In July 2018 professor Zvonko Iljazović and myself have attended the CCA 2018 conference and presented our joint work titled "Effective compactness and uniqueness of maximal computability structures". The original presentation can be found here.
Computability structures
In the following I will mention the elements of the theory of computability structures needed to state our main result. These notions are already well known, the main contributing articles for this theory that were used for our work are listed in the references.
Let be a metric space and
a sequence in
. We say
is an effective sequence in
if the function
is recursive.
A finite sequence is an effective finite sequence if
is a recursive real number for each
If and
are sequences in
, we say
is an effective pair in
and write
if the function
is recursive.
Let be a metric space and
a sequence in
. A sequence
is computable w.r.t
iff there exists a computable
such that
for all . We write
Let be a metric space. A set
is a computability structure on
if the following holds:
, then
- if
, then
We say is a computable point in
A computability structure such that there exists a dense sequence
is called separable.
We say is a maximal computability structure on
if there exists no computability structure
such that
The main question
The main question we are asking and trying to answer is the following:
Question:Let be a metric space. Let
. Let
be a maximal computability structure in which
are computable. Under which conditions is such
A known result for sub-spaces of the Euclidean space
Let be a real vector space. Let
be vectors in
. We say that
are geometrically independent points if
are linearly independent vectors.
Let . The largest
such that that there exist geometrically independent points
we call the affine dimension of
, and write
The following result from [1] already answers the main question in the case where is a sub-space of the Euclidean space.
Theorem: Let ,
. If
is a geometrically independent effective finite sequence on
then there exists an unique maximal computability structure on
in which
are computable points.
Main result for more general metric spaces
We wanted to introduce for general metric spaces a notion which will be a sort of replacement to the notion of geometric independence.
In the original presentation we used the term nice sequence. It turns out that this notion is a special case of the well-known notion of a metric base.
Let be a metric space. A subset
is called a metric base for
iff for all
the following implication holds:
for all
A metric space is said to be effectively compact if there exist an effective separating sequence
and a computable function
such that
for each . It is known that if
is effectively compact, then for each effective separating sequence
there exists such a computable function
A metric base is exactly the notion we needed to obtain the following result, at least for effectively compact metric spaces.
Theorem: Let be an effectively compact metric space. Suppose
is a metric base in
and suppose that there exists a separable computability structure
in which
are computable points. Then
is a unique maximal computability structure on
in which
are computable points.
In fact, an even more general form of the theorem holds: the assumption of effective compactness of the space can be replaced with the assumption that
has compact closed balls and there exists
such that the computable metric space
has the effective covering property.
Proofs will be presented in our future up-coming publication.
- Zvonko Iljazović. Isometries and Computability Structures. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 16(18):2569--2596, 2010.
- Zvonko Iljazović and Lucija Validžić. Maximal computability structures. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, 22(4):445--468, 2016.
- Alexander Melnikov. Computably isometric spaces. Journal of Symbolic Logic, 78:1055--1085, 2013.
- Marian Pour-El and Ian Richards. Computability in Analysis and Physics. Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heielberg-New York, 1989.
- Klaus Weihrauch. Computable Analysis. Springer, Berlin, 2000.
- M. Yasugi, T. Mori and Y. Tsujji. Effective properties of sets and functions in metric spaces with computability structure. Theoretical Computer Science}, 219:467--486, 1999.
- M. Yasugi, T. Mori and Y. Tsujji. Computability structures on metric spaces. Combinatorics, Complexity and Logic Proc. DMTCS96 (D.S.~Bridges et al), Springer, Berlin}, 351--362, 1996.
Copyright © 2018, Konrad Burnik