Faster Complex Matrix Multiplication via Split-Complex Numbers

Here is a nice application of split-complex numbers. Let Z_1 = A + i B and Z_2 = C + i D be complex matrices. Their product is defined as

    \[ Z_1 Z_2 = (A + i B) (C + iD) = (A C - B D) + i(AD + BC) \]

which requires 4 real matrix multiplications. Here I will show that we can do this with 3 real matrix multiplications by using split-complex numbers.

First, by taking split-complex matrices W_1 = A + j B and W_2 = C + j D and rewriting them in basis \{\iota, \iota^*\} as follows

    \begin{align*}W_1 & = (A+B) \iota + (A-B) \iota^* \\W_2 &= (C+D) \iota + (C-D) \iota^*\end{align*}

we have

    \[ W_1 W_2 = (A+B)(C+D) \iota + (A-B)(C-D) \iota^* \]

which requires only 2 real matrix multiplications. This all follows from my previous post.

Let us now define

    \begin{align*}X & := \frac{1}{2} (A + B) (C + D) \\ Y & := \frac{1}{2} (A - B) (C - D).\end{align*}

We have

    \[ W_1 W_2 = (X + Y ) + j (X - Y). \]

But now, since

    \[ W_1 W_2 = (AC + BD) + j (AD + BC) \]

then by comparison AC + BD = X + Y and AD + BC = X - Y.

Finally, from this and the fact AC - BD = X + Y - 2 BD we have

    \[Z_1 Z_2 = (X + Y - 2 BD) + i(X - Y)\]

which requires only 3 real matrix multiplications, namely (A+B)(C+D), (A-B)(C-D) and BD.

EDIT: A simple implementation of this approach can be found here.

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